Grilled Garlic Salmon & Grilled Asparagus

Salmon is my favorite fish. It is perfectly meaty, and if cooked right, tastes amazing. Most people, in my opinion, overcook their salmon. This may be the reason salmon gets a bad-rep locally. I always try to do something new with salmon, and this is the easiest go-to recipe I use. Anyone can “grill” this one.

Oven Roasted Rotisserie Chicken Stock

I love soup. It is always so cheap to make. I was tired of buying chicken broth AND a rotisserie chicken every time I wanted chicken noodle soup. What a hassle. I wanted a way to have stock on hands at all times, without having to run to the store to get store-bought stuff for each meal.

Cast Iron Buttered London Broil

London broil, or “beef round top,” is hands-down my favorite cut for a steak. It’s cheap reliable. I will defend it until the day I can no longer cook. Something about its simplicity and its unpredictability, make this particular cut very appealing. I plan to have many different London broil tribute posts, so stay tuned.

Grilled Truffle Mushroom & Gouda and Grilled Margarita Flatbread

The sun was shining, I had a few ingredients left in my fridge, and it was the perfect day to flip on the grill. Every once in a while, I pick up a pair of “flatbread” crusts that are wedged between the cheese and bread aisles at most grocery stores. This is a little trick to make a quick flatbread in a pinch that I learned from my parents. Of course, I made them a little more fun.

Reverse-Sear Thiccc Cut Pork Chop with Broccoli Shroom Stir-Fry

Seldom do I walk into a Wegman’s. I prefer grocery stores that do not require me to take out a small business loan just to pay for a weeks worth of groceries. That being said, when I walked through the “meat” section and laid eyes on some beautiful individually wrapped pork chops I grabbed them without hesitation.

Braised Short Rib and Oven Roasted Butternut Squash

I was seeing short ribs everywhere; on TV, in restaurants…that’s about all actually. Luckily, Taylor’s mom gifted us a NICE dutch oven months before. According to TV chefs, this was the ideal vessel to hatch the perfect short ribs.